CREED: The Mantra 2 Tantra 2 Mantra Evolution (Nature 2 Technology 2 Nature)

AIM: Earning with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
The TraderUpdated daily


Navtam’s Short Monologue

Earth To Earth

‘Earth to earth’ reminder comes too late. It ought to be birth (nature) to the age-old battle of high technology (to no end) to death (nature). Neither birth nor death is in our hands, but in between is. Time pushes us out of the comfortable, without responsibility, womb to a troublesome world and moves us at supersonic speed to death. Navtam believes we bear Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to all our earnings – large or small. The four types of CSR are philanthropy, environment conservation, diversity & labour practices and volunteerism. The following websites will explain more.


Evolution is Survival

Simple, practical and appealing brands with empowered and well-designed websites are attracting online sales hugely. Our website portfolio, a mixer of commercial and social elements, offers a wide range of prospects that is updated on daily basis.


NOTE: All websites are revamped during the Christmas holidays and will be fully operative from 2nd January 2024.

Bibo Services Ltd

Supporting all sizes of business

Commercial And Corporate Finance Ltd

Land, properties, commercial finance and general insurance

World Trade Cabin Ltd

Traders, Import & Export

Balancesheet Evaluation Ltd


Simplifying the jargon of double-entry accounting

Thorney Interchange

The Western Corridor – London to Reading and surrounding areas

Maiden Marketing Ltd

Sourcing to Converting

Carehome Online Ltd

Providing information about goods and services to the UK’s independent healthcare sector

Omuk Gosai

Serving the King of Buganda, Ssabasajja Kabaka, and the people of Buganda in Uganda.


A business philosophy outlines the business's purpose and its goals.